Jan. 12, 2023

10 Things I Am Doing Differently in 2023

Have you defined your word for 2023? Defining a word for the year becomes a significant pillar in helping you realize your goals.

Welcome to another incredible episode of This Daring Adventure Podcast with your host Trista Guertin.

In this episode, Trista talks about the setting intentions and a word for the year. She says that her word for the year is “possibility,” and she explains the need to set goals to guide throughout the year and focus on achieving them. We all have our plans, but we sometimes sway away from them. To counter this, Trista advises that we write down our goals and keep reviewing them. She also lists 10 things she intends to do differently in 2023 to help accomplish her goals.


Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation!


During this episode, you will learn about;

[02:04] Introduction to the topic

[02:49] About the intention to live with ease

[05:00] Why Trista plans to have less screen time

[06:34] Reasons she recommends her clients put their goals into writing

[12:59] Some of the things that Trista let go of during the Covid-19 pandemic

[13:51] Some of the products that Trista is reverting to consuming

[15:07] Reasons Trista plans to reduce the amount of news, TV shows, and books she consumes

[16:59] Things that Trista does when out for walks or when traveling

[17:49] Why is it advisable to reduce the amount of worry and doubt that we experience every day

[19:00] Looking for evidence contrary to what your brain is offering

[20:59] Plans for the podcast this year

[22:20] Trista’s idea of transitioning to full-time coaching practice

[24:32] Why networking is beneficial


Mentioned resources

The Life Coach School: https://thelifecoachschool.com/certified-coach/trista-



Let’s Connect!

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To book a private coaching session with Trista Guertin:
