Aug. 29, 2024

A Life Out of Alignment

A Life Out of Alignment

In Episode 84 of This Daring Adventure podcast, we delve into the concept of feeling stuck in midlife. We explore how societal expectations and long-held beliefs confine us, urging listeners to break free from these mental and societal constraints. The episode highlights the importance of questioning ingrained patterns, exploring new possibilities, and intentionally creating a fulfilling life.

00:40 Feeling Stuck in Life

01:37 Understanding Your Mind's Programming

04:21 Breaking Free from Mental Cages

05:45 The Journey of Personal Growth

07:29 Redefining Your Own Reality

09:26 Taking Action in Midlife

11:14 Creating Your Own Path

13:13 The Power of Coaching

Book a consult call and learn more about my newest program, the 6 Week Jumpstart to Building a Better Relationship with Yourself. This 1:1 coaching program with me will help you build the foundation you need to create the life you want.

You don't have to stay stuck. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have and it is time to invest in it. You'll feel better, think better and show up completely different in your life and relationships. Book your call HERE.

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See you next time!


Welcome to This Daring Adventure podcast, where we work on bridging the gap between where we are and where we want to be in order to live a bigger and bolder life. In this podcast, we will provide inspiration, tips, and skills you need to make your life the adventure you want it to be. Here's your host, mindset mentor and life coach Trista Guertin.

Hey everybody. Welcome to this episode. It's episode 84. And I wanted to dive into a topic that resonates deeply with a lot of us. And it's that idea of feeling stuck being trapped in a life that doesn't quite align with who you know you could be. a lot of times I see this with my clients. And who have reached their forties and fifties and feel like they've hit a plateau that they feel like they're ready for a change. They know that there is something more out there for them.

And so if you are feeling like this at all, this episode is for you, it is time to shake things up and do something different and to rediscover the power that you possess, the power that you have in your mind.

The ability you have to begin a new journey towards becoming. the person that you really want to become and to create the life that you truly want for yourself to start with, you have to understand that your mind, your brain is incredibly intricate. And from the moment you were born, it began absorbing tons of information, recognizing patterns and shaping your understanding of the world.

As a baby, your mind was basically a blank slate, wired for survival. You cried when you were hungry, you reached out for comfort, and you started to understand your place in the world through the loving, guiding hands of your parents, hopefully. Over time, you developed a sense of self. An awareness of who you were in relation to the world around you.

But as you grew up, so did the expectations that were placed upon you. Society's rules, beliefs, and systems were slowly but surely programmed to change. Programmed into your mind you learn to conform you learn to fit in and to play by the rules and for many years That was enough, but now you've reached middle age you but now you've reached an age where you find yourself questioning those rules and Questioning whether they really serve you anymore You might be feeling a little restless, unfulfilled, stuck, and knowing that there's something more that you can do, that you're meant for more.

By the time we reach our 40s and 50s, many of us are living in a prison of our own creation, of our own making. It's not one necessarily built by society, but by our own minds. But society has a hand in this creation as does, as did our parents, our caregivers, and the way our brain operates.

Basically, though, we've accepted the limits and the beliefs handed to us without question. And now those same limits are what is holding us back. If you are feeling stuck, it's not because life is against you, but because you've unknowingly allowed yourself to remain in this mental cage.

The good news Is that it's never too late to break free. I work with women every single day who are looking to change their lives. They're looking to do things differently. They want to feel better. They want to feel differently every single day.

Where we start is by questioning those long held beliefs, deconstruct the systems that have been running your life and your decision making processes, and begin the process of reprogramming your mind.

We want to rewire your thoughts. Rewire your thinking it's a journey and listen, there's a lot of discomfort It's not a sprint, but it's a marathon, but the rewards are immense and it's hugely exciting It's a life lived on your own terms, on purpose, full of passion and fulfillment, and it's intentional. So let's talk about growth, specifically personal growth.

As we move through life, we go through the different stages of understanding. In the early years, we simply follow the rules to avoid punishment. we also like to seek approval. As we mature, We start to adopt society's standards, seeking to fit in and maintain social order. We follow what everybody else does, the expectations, but the real magic happens when we begin to question everything, to reflect on the world around us and to redefine Our own beliefs and values, getting in touch with what it is we truly want. Not doing something because it's what we think we should be doing or because everybody else is doing it. this is where many of you find yourselves now, it's in this phase of questioning and self-reflection. it's a very powerful and exciting place to be. It might not feel like it right now.

And of course, if you're feeling stuck, it can feel heavy and it can feel confusing and it can feel maybe a little bit sad, but this is just the beginning. it's here that you can truly begin to break free from the past and start creating a future that aligns with Your highest self, your best self, and the person that you want to be.

Society is a web of ideas, beliefs, and expectations that shapes our reality. From the moment we enter school, We're taught what to think, how to behave, and what our lives should look like. We are truly conditioned to follow a certain path. Go to school, get an education, find a job, get married, buy a house, have kids. And retire.

But what if you've followed that path and it doesn't lead to the fulfillment that you seek? What if you feel like you're just going through the motions and want something more? The truth is you don't have to follow that path if it doesn't serve you, if it doesn't bring you joy, if it doesn't give you energy, and that can be at any point.

You have the power to step outside the confines and see it for what it is. It is a construct of society. It's other people's ideas and probably it's patriarchal ideas. it is time to redefine your own reality. It is time to start questioning what you have been taught by your parents, by your caregivers, by society, by the media, by your culture, your education, by your religion, by the media, and to explore new ideas and to find the courage and the strength to create your own path.

So how do you start creating this path? How do you begin to rewrite the script of your life? For many women, midlife is a time of reevaluation. You're looking at your health, your relationship, your career, and asking, Is this really what I want? How do I make changes? What do I really want? If the answer is no, if the answer is it's time for something more, then this is your time to take action.

You can start by identifying the problems that are keeping you stuck. Are you neglecting your health? Is it your job draining your energy? Are your relationships unfulfilling? These issues are all interconnected, but by addressing them one by one,

You can begin to create a life that feels more aligned with who you are. I always recommend that you expose yourself to new ideas and new possibilities. Start stepping out of your comfort zone and explore new hobbies, new social circles, new activities, new interests, possibly a new job and new relationships. There's so much opportunity out there. And the more you learn, the more potential you'll see for your life.

Start exploring, start small, write a list of things that might possibly interest you. Things you could want to read. Movies you want to watch, museums you want to go to, countries you want to travel to, things you want to learn, courses you want to take.

Start writing those things down and pick one to go after and do. Finally, you want to create your own reality. You want to create what it is you want. You don't have to follow the script that society has laid out for you. You can start writing your own. It's never too late. You're not too old. You have what it takes.

Cultivate a vision for your future. Start working on it step by step. This is going to be an ongoing process. And as I said, it's a marathon, not a sprint. as you work on it, your vision will evolve. You don't have to be one and done and your plans will also evolve. But the important thing is to keep taking small steps forward each day to keep growing and to keep pushing your boundaries of what's possible. And believe me, anything is possible. So to all of you listening today, you're not stuck. You're not too old and it's not too late.

You have the power to break free from the mental and societal constraints that have held you back. You have the power to create a life that is fulfilling, purposeful, and uniquely yours. It takes time, it takes effort, it takes you being deliberate and intentional, but it's completely possible. you want to take that first step, start questioning, start exploring, start creating the life you were always meant to live because you are meant for more, so much more.

Write a list of things that you don't want. Write a list of things that you do want to try. Have fun with it. Be open to the possibilities.

If you want help, this is what coaching is designed for. A coach is here to support you along the way, creating the life it is you want for yourself. Coaching is not just about solving problems. It's about taking you to the next level. It's about growth. It's about exploration. It's about possibility.

I have a new program called the six week jumpstart to creating a better relationship with yourself. it teaches you the tools and skills you need to start moving forward, to start that growth and to keep pushing those boundaries of what's possible. It starts with the foundation of a strong relationship with yourself. One where you're not dependent on external circumstances to give you your love and worth and belief in yourself. You build that for yourself and you go forward intentionally and deliberately creating what it is you want and becoming the person that you want to become.

So if you're interested, The link to my calendar is in the show notes. Let's talk. Let me tell you about the work that we can do together and how you can move yourself forward into possibility, into more.

Thanks everybody for listening. I'll talk to you next time.

Take care.

Bye bye.

Thank you for listening to This Daring Adventure podcast with your host Trista Guertin. We hope you enjoyed the tips and conversations on how to get excited about life again.

As always, you can head to for additional resources and to book a one on one coaching session.

You can also follow Trista on Instagram at tristavguertin.

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Thanks again for tuning in and we'll see you next time.