Getting Back to Your Old Self

In the depths of heartbreak, it's normal to want to get back to being the woman you used to be. I know I did. I wanted the 'old me' back.
But the truth is, the 'old me' that I longed for was merely a fleeting illusion.
In today's episode, I share a profound truth that changed my perspective forever.
The unexpected twist lay in realizing that I couldn't go back, but I could forge ahead. This journey of letting go became a catalyst for personal growth and empowerment.
Join me as we explore the path of releasing the past, embracing the present, and creating a future that surpasses our wildest dreams.
Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey with me?
In this episode, we'll show you how to navigate the murky waters, detach from past narratives, and step into an extraordinary future that surpasses your expectations.
It's time to choose personal transformation over stagnation.
In this episode, you will be able to:
- Acquire skills to overcome the trials of difficult breakups or divorces with resilience.
- Recognize the significance of shifting away from haunting past narratives towards life-changing perspectives.
- Learn how to design an unprecedented future that makes even your wildest dreams seem small.
- Acknowledge the potency of introspection and personal growth in developing your personal and professional pathway.
- See how tailored, one-on-one coaching can help you create your much-desired life.
The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:25 - Getting Back to Your Old Self,
00:02:42 - Using the Past as Research and Development,
00:05:11 - Shaping Your Future Self,
00:09:23 - Taking Action and Investing in Yourself
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Welcome to This Daring Adventure podcast where we work on bridging the gap between where we are and where we want to be in order to live a bigger and bolder life. In this podcast, we will provide inspiration, tips, and skills you need to make your life the adventure you want it to be. Here's your host, mindset mentor, and life coach, Trista Guertin.
Hey everybody. Welcome to another episode of This Daring Adventure. Thank you so much for joining me today.
All right. I wanted to talk a little bit about getting back to your old self, this is something that I've heard actually several times from different clients.
And I'm going to generalize here and say many of them have been through difficult divorces or breakups, And they are processing and healing and oftentimes they will tell me that they want to get back to the way they were before. The old me is what they will say. And today I wanted to just clear this up and say, no, you cannot go back to the old you and you don't want to.
I know it seems appealing. I know it's said with the best of intentions and coming from a place of healing and the idea that somehow they were, better before than now. But that's never true and I'm going to tell you why.
First of all, as you can probably imagine, it's just not possible to go back to the old you.
That old you is gone. You are no longer the same person. You're no longer the same person that you were yesterday, let alone who you were, two years, three years, four years, five years, 10 years ago. It doesn't matter how traumatic the relationship was, how difficult, how challenging the divorce was.
It doesn't matter what you've been through and maybe you haven't been through anything that challenging recently. You're not the same person, so you can't go back.
You can only go forward, and I think that's a really good thing. If we think about the past as research and development, think about it as the building blocks, the foundation for where you are going, where you are headed, and who are you becoming. We can use it, and I'm getting this from Dan Sullivan. We can use it as material for creating an extraordinary future.
We can learn from it. We can take the very best of what's gone on and what we've learned and who we've become and use it to create something wonderful in the future.
And that includes not just our lives, but us who we are becoming. when you look at the past and you look at who you were, you want to take the lessons, take the very best of who you were and what's gone on, and what you've learned, and leave the rest behind.
Reframe it.
Tell yourself a story that's empowering and that is powerful and inspirational, and let go of the rest. Leave the past in the past because where you are going is going to be so much bigger and so much more exciting and interesting if that's what you want.
If you're focusing on just recreating the past, you're just stuck in creating more of what you've already lived and who you were already were, but there's so much more opportunity out there, and that's what you want to focus on.
Don't spend time in the past.
Process the emotion. You need therapy. Get the therapy if you want. Coaching. Coaching is fantastic to help you to reframe the past and move yourself forward towards what you want to create and where you want to go.
Don't spend any more time there because that's just what you'll create More of what you want to do is become future focused. This is some of the most exciting and powerful work we can do in coaching.
Dan Sullivan also says, the future is your property. You can make it whatever it is you want. And so that's not just true about your future and about your life. It's the same for you.
You can become whoever it is you want to become, and you will become.
Create whatever it is that you were thinking about. So whatever your predominant thoughts are is what you will create, and that goes for your future, that goes for your life, and that goes for yourself, which is why you don't want to spend time thinking about the past.
You want to be spending time thinking about what you want to create, who you want to become, because in five years, you can have and be whatever it is you set your mind to and you want to spend time there.
We can actually shape our circumstances and ourselves through our thinking. We are that powerful. So instead of wishing to go back to the old, you create the you you want to become. Take the best parts. And take what you want, who you've always wanted to become and start creating her today.
And as I said, this is some of the most fun and most powerful work we do in coaching, creating your future self. Who is it that you want to become? What does your life look like in six months, one year, five years down the road? Where are you living? What kind of work are you doing? Who are you spending time with? What are you doing for fun? What is it that you want to create for yourself and for your life?
You are only limited by the thoughts you choose, so choose carefully.
Choose wisely. Start creating a vision today of what your life looks like and what you will be like and start taking one step baby steps each day, creating that vision, working towards it.
Spend time there every single day.
Dream big dreams.
Create this vision because this vision is the promise of who you will become. Is she strong? Is she independent? Is she courageous? She kind, is she generous? Is she successful?
You can create whatever it is you want, become whomever it is you want to be. spend time there every single day thinking about her.
Thinking about who you want to become, thinking about what you want to create for your life, visualize this journal on it and always create that feeling, what it feels like to be her, what it feels like to live that life and to have what she has you're thinking expands your opportunities will expand.
Your life will expand.
If you are ready to do the work and want some help in creating yourself, your future, the life you want, the person you wanna become, I can help. I will put the link to my calendar in the show notes.
You can schedule a private one-to-one one hour coaching session with me and let's talk about who you want to become and what you want to create. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to invest a little time in moving yourself forward and creating it, whoever, whatever you want, and creating whatever you want.
So, Get on my calendar, schedule your session, let's talk, let's create, let's have some fun and build that vision of yourself and your future Now.
Thanks everybody for listening. If you have a moment to rate, review, share, and subscribe, this podcast on Apple Podcast, I would truly appreciate it.
Have a great week. Take care everybody.
Thank you for listening to this Daring Adventure podcast with your host Trista Guertin. We hope you enjoyed the tips and conversations on how to get excited about life Again, as always, you can head to for additional resources and to book a one-on-one coaching session. You can also follow Trista on Instagram at tristavguertin.
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review us on Apple Podcasts.
Thanks again for tuning in and we'll see you next time.