Have you ever found yourself arguing with reality? Thinking over and over again about how something should have gone differently or how things should be different now?
Have you ever found yourself wishing things could go back to the way they were?
We want to control the world around us, and when it doesn't go according to plan, we resist it. We don’t want to let things go.
It's easy to get stuck in this type of thought pattern, but it is a huge waste of time and energy.
If we keep trying to fight reality, we feel frustrated, stuck, and ultimately we hold ourselves back from what we really want to create in our lives.
The key to changing this pattern is to stop arguing with reality and start focusing on what we can control.
In this episode, we will explore why we do this, how it keeps us from moving forward, and what we can do to let go of control and start living in acceptance.
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Here are some great episodes to start with.