Jan. 30, 2025

The single best investment

The single best investment

What if I told you the best investment you could ever make isn’t in stocks, real estate, or even a retirement fund—but in your own brain?

In this episode, we’re diving into why your brain is an ever-appreciating asset and how investing in it can bring you compounding returns in every area of your life.

You’ll learn:

✅ How to shift your mindset and start seeing your brain as your most valuable resource

✅ The top ways to invest in your brain for long-term success and fulfillment

✅ Why coaching is a game-changing investment that fast-tracks your growth

✅ Practical steps to start expanding your mind today

If you’ve ever felt stuck, uninspired, or unsure of how to create real change in your life, this episode is for you.

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Welcome to This Daring Adventure podcast, where we work on bridging the gap between where we are and where we want to be in order to live a bigger and bolder life. In this podcast, we will provide inspiration, tips, and skills you need to make your life the adventure you want it to be. Here's your host, mindset mentor and life coach, Trista Guertin.

Hey everybody, welcome back to the podcast and thank you so much for joining me today.

Today I wanted to talk about something that a lot of us haven't been taught to think about in this way, but once you do, I think it will really change a lot for you. This is something that I learned from my coach, Brooke Castillo at the Life Coach School, It really had an impact on me, and I think about it all the time.

Okay, so here it is.

What if you saw your brain as an ever appreciating asset? An investment that compounds over time, just like money. what if the most valuable financial investment you could ever make wasn't in stocks, wasn't in real estate or a retirement fund, but in yourself, in your brain, in your ability to think, grow and create your ability to go after goals and achieve those goals. challenges and do whatever it is you set your mind to.

So let's get into that. We all understand the concept of compound interest when it comes to money. You put in a little, you let it grow, and over time it compounds and makes you wealthier, correct?

Now imagine if we applied the same thinking to our brains.

But most people won't, right? They don't. We're not taught this. Up until recently, we've been taught that intelligence is fixed, our personality is fixed, that learning stops after school, and that personal growth is optional. But that's just not true.

Your brain is capable of infinite expansion, learning, and development, growth, change. The more you invest in it, the more valuable it becomes. And then the more it gives back to you over time. Your capacity will grow. Your evolution will continue. Your world gets bigger. Let me ask you.

How much are you investing in your brain right now? Because here's what I know.

The most successful, fulfilled, and happiest people in the world think about their brain this way. They treat it like the most valuable thing they own. And when you start seeing your brain as an asset, an appreciating, compounding asset, your entire approach to life will change. So, this is really the best investment you can make. This is one that will give you the highest return. You don't want to be looking at index funds and you don't want to be looking at real estate. Truly, your best investment will be investing in your brain.

And here's why. When you invest in your mind, through learning, coaching, reading, challenging yourself, setting big goals, you expand your thinking. You become more capable, and you'll create more value in the world. And value is what leads to financial success. And value is what leads to financial success, to opportunities, to innovation, and to evolution.

Your ability to think, is what determines your results. You can hand somebody a million dollars, and if they don't have the mindset or the skills to manage it, they'll lose it. We see this with lottery winners all the time, right? Somebody wins a big amount of money and then they lose it. Or you watch any of the big athletes or actors, actresses, they earn all this money.

And then they lose it, and they're not happy, they don't know what to do. Their success means nothing because they don't know how to be creating their own joy and creating their own happiness and managing their minds and their emotions.

If you take someone who has built their mind, who has invested in their brain, they can create wealth, success, and fulfillment, and joy over and over again. The return on the investment is infinite. And one of the best ways to invest in your brain is through coaching.

Now here's why.

Coaching helps you see your blind spots.

They say you can't read the label from inside the box. Or a hairdresser can't cut their own hair. coaching helps you to see what you can't see. And it challenges the way you think. It will disrupt your beliefs. It will help you to create new patterns of thought that serve you. And it will help you to be with your emotions in a way that is helpful, not holding you back.

A coach will provide perspective that you simply cannot see on your own. And just like the best athletes in the world have coaches to push them further, the most successful people invest in coaches to stretch their minds, to help them to evolve, to help them to go to that next level. It's not just about solving problems. but it's really to help you see what you can't see. Think bigger and go to the next level. It helps you to manage your thoughts, which in turn shapes your emotions and actions and creates the results that you want.

When you have someone guiding you like that, when you have a coach helping you to uncover the stories that you're telling yourself, the beliefs that are holding you back, the thought loops that you're stuck in, and then teaching you how to think on purpose, you will really accelerate your growth. This is when we're pouring fuel on the fire, right? It's like putting your brain in a high yield investment account. It compounds faster and it's giving you bigger returns in every area of your life. It has that ripple effect. It affects every area of your life and you just can't help but show up differently.

So how do you do this? How do you start investing in your brain today? I have a couple of ways.

The first is to learn on purpose. Growth isn't just gonna happen on its own or if it does it happens at a very slow rate. You have to be intentional. Read the books, take the courses, listen to the podcast, work with the coach. Do this daily. Even if it's just for 20 minutes, it can have a huge impact over time when you're persistent with it.

Second, you need to learn to manage your thoughts. Your brain is definitely the most powerful tool you have, but most of us just let it run on autopilot. We don't use it intentionally.

So we need to start directing our thoughts, questioning our beliefs, and choosing what we want to focus on. Otherwise, it just takes us into the gutter, and it just focuses on the negative, and looks for problems, and just keeps thinking the same thoughts over and over again. And that's how you land up just living the same day over and over again.

Third, you really need to be willing to be uncomfortable. Growth doesn't happen inside your comfort zone, but when you push yourself, you challenge yourself, you stretch your thinking, and you are willing to feel the discomfort and any emotion that comes up, knowing that you're going to be okay, that's when you, your brain evolves, that's when your world expands, that's when you're able to take on bigger and bigger challenges and goals.

Fourth, you want to take action. Learning isn't enough, because it's very passive in some respects, but you want to apply it. The real investment happens when you apply what you learn and you take action.

Take the risks, make the decisions, and create the results. It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be huge. But massive action means that you start taking action and you keep going until you get the results you want. Take the next step, and then the next step after that, and the next step after that. There will be failures, but think of failure as something just not turning out the way you had hoped. And you learn from that. You evaluate, you learn, you apply, and you go again, and you just keep going. And that's when magic happens.

When you start investing in your brain, when you prioritize your thinking, your learning, your growth, you begin to change the way you see yourself and the world. You stop feeling stuck. You stop believing that you're at the mercy of your circumstances. Your life just is not happening to you, but you are living more intentionally. And you realize that everything you want, every dream, every goal is available to you.

And the only thing that's standing between you and it is how you think. You have to just overcome yourself and this is the work that we do.

When you build your brain, you build your future. You create opportunities, confidence, wealth, fulfillment, anything you want. And you're doing it from the inside out. So here's what I want you to take away from this episode. Your brain is the most valuable asset you will ever have. It is an ever appreciating, ever expanding investment that will compound for the rest of your life, if you choose to invest in it. Start today. Pick one way to grow your brain, to challenge yourself, to invest in your thinking. Because the return, it's unlimited. Alright, that's what I have for you today.

Thank you so much for joining me.

If you want to take this work deeper, I do offer free one to one coaching sessions with me. It's 50 minutes, bring any issue you wish, try coaching for yourself and see what it's all about and how powerful it can be. The link to my calendar will be in the show notes.

I think this is such a great opportunity if you've never tried coaching before, if you're interested in learning more about working with me. If you just want some help on whatever you're working on, bring it, let's do it, and it's a lot of fun, I promise. You don't have to prepare anything, you don't have to do anything advanced, just show up.

And keep your eyes and ears open, I will be offering a free group coaching session in February, another free webinar, and lots of other things going on.

I will be sharing more information about my Unstuck coaching program. It's three months, really powerful coaching to get you unstuck and moving you towards the life that you want to create. So lots going on, lots of links in the show notes.

Otherwise, if you're able to subscribe, comment, review, rate, share, please do so for the podcast. It helps me to reach more and more listeners and provide them with some of this great advice that we're sharing in the podcast. I'll talk to you soon. Bye bye.

Thank you for listening to This Daring Adventure podcast with your host Trista Guertin. We hope you enjoyed the tips and conversations on how to get excited about life again. As always, you can head to tristaguertin.com for additional resources and to book a one on one coaching session. You can also follow Trista on Instagram at tristavguertin. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review us on Apple Podcasts. Thanks again for tuning in and we'll see you next time.