Sept. 12, 2024

Transformation from the Inside Out

Transformation from the Inside Out

In this episode of This Daring Adventure podcast, I introduce my new six-week program designed to help women build a better relationship with themselves.

I explain the importance of self-concept, ending people-pleasing, self-love, resilience, confidence, and becoming your future self, and share insights on how these elements serve as the foundation for personal growth and better relationships. In this program, you will learn how to rewrite your self-narratives, set healthy boundaries, and step into the life you truly want.

Key Moments:

00:38 The Most Important Investment: Building a Better Relationship with Yourself

02:09 The Four Pillars of Personal Growth

06:37 Six Week Jumpstart Program Overview

07:53 Deep Dive into Self Concept

09:23 Ending People Pleasing and Setting Boundaries

10:38 Cultivating Self Love and Acceptance

12:03 Building Resilience and Emotional Strength

13:56 Developing Self Confidence and Trust

15:36 Becoming Your Future Self

16:59 Conclusion and Next Steps

Book a consult call and learn more about my newest program, the 6 Week Jumpstart to Building a Better Relationship with Yourself. This 1:1 coaching program with me will help you build the foundation you need to create the life you want.

You don't have to stay stuck. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have and it the ultimate investment. You'll feel better, think better and show up completely different in your life and relationships.

Book your call HERE.

Connect with me on Instagram.

Visit my website here.

If you have a minute to rate, review, share and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, I would appreciate it.

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See you next time!


Welcome to This Daring Adventure podcast, where we work on bridging the gap between where we are and where we want to be in order to live a bigger and bolder life. In this podcast, we will provide inspiration, tips, and skills you need to make your life the adventure you want it to be. Here's your host, mindset mentor and life coach Trista Guertin.

Hey everybody, welcome back to the podcast.

Today I wanted to dive into what I believe is the most important investment you can ever make in yourself. It's not a new wardrobe, it's not a fitness routine, or even the perfect relationship. It's about building a better relationship with yourself because that is the foundation for every other relationship and area of your life. this episode is for you if you're feeling a little stuck, overwhelmed, or feeling like there's more out there for you. I'm here to tell you there absolutely is.

If you're feeling like you're meant for more, it's because you are. And it all starts with how you relate to yourself. I've designed a six week jumpstart to building a better relationship with yourself program.

I have been coaching now for four years this month. my work has been centered on helping women who are feeling stuck. Women who are in midlife, who are, want to make a change either, because of a relationship that's ended or a career change or they're empty nesters, but they're ready to do something different, but maybe they're not exactly sure what that is and, or they're not exactly sure how to go about it.

I have been using four pillars to guide my work to help women get unstuck.

The first pillar was, Your self concept, looking at your beliefs, your values, the story that you're telling about yourself, understanding how your past is impacting you today, and the way you see your future.

Now, coaching is very different than therapy.

Therapy is very past focused. We don't spend a lot of time in this area. But I do think it's important to pick up on some of the threads that you continue to carry with you about your past, how you've been socialized, and the beliefs that you've carried with you, and what you make certain experiences mean. And all that is like Excess baggage that we're dragging with us into our present and into our future and it's completely, unnecessary.

Look, we all do it. We all have it. There's no escaping from it completely, but most of us are unconscious about it. We picked up a lot of this stuff when we were children, and we carry all of these things with us without understanding the impact that they're having on us today, and without understanding that most of it is optional, that we can change the way we're feeling, the way we're thinking, and it will completely change the way we show up. 

So that's the first pillar. Cleaning some of that up, letting some of it go, reframing it so that it does serve us and we let go of what's not serving us.

The second pillar is understanding our mindset and our emotions. It's building that emotional resilience and flexibility. It's understanding how our brain works and how our thoughts ultimately are creating our results. It's knowing that we are not our thoughts and that we don't have to believe everything we think. in fact, we can deliberately choose what we want to think. that's basically the key to the universe because then we can create any result we want in our lives. That's a really important part of what I teach my clients.

The third is, what I was calling your relationship with yourself. It's understanding self love, self trust, self worth, confidence, setting boundaries, relationships with others.

All of these things that serve the foundation of who you are and building that strength in your relationship with yourself because from there, that's where you springboard into becoming the woman that you want to become, creating the life that you want to create, which is then the fourth pillar, your future self. Who do you want to become? What do you want? What don't you want? What does your life look like? So those have been the four pillars of my work and I've used to work with each of my clients. Then as I've gone along I've noticed that the work that we do in building that relationship with ourselves, as I've said, is really the foundation. 

So I took that as the starting point of my program, because when we do that, then it impacts every area of our lives and every relationship. in our life. when we have a rock solid relationship with ourselves, it truly is the foundation and the springboard for which we create what we want.

And I took the work that was in the other three pillars and created The six week jumpstart so that we cover each of those throughout the program. so I teach what I believe to be the most important tools and skills during this six week period so that you can start to build this relationship with yourself, strengthen it, develop it. Improve it, build it, and then the last module is a future self workshop where you springboard into where you're going and what you're doing.

I wanted to introduce you briefly to this program today and tell you a little bit about the work that goes on in each of the six weeks and how important it is. As I said, this is the most important investment that you can make in yourself. Coaching is a wonderful method to solve problems, to set goals, to create the life that you want. to me, this is the starting point.

If you want to make big changes, if you feel like you're meant for more, this is where you want to start. So we'll start with the importance of self concept. And this is how you see yourself. This is your personal identity, your beliefs about who you are, your values, the story that you tell about yourself and your past, the way you talk about yourself or to yourself. If you're constantly criticizing yourself or playing small, it reflects in every decision that you make and opportunities will pass you by when you see yourself as capable, as worthy, as whole.

Your actions will follow suit. You're more likely to take risks, to say yes to new opportunities and to fully embrace who you are. we look at how this self concept was developed and basically it looks at how our brain works, how we were socialized, how our experiences have all contributed to who we've become. because here's the thing, most of us have built our self concept on outdated beliefs that are no longer serving us. We've held on to them and we've been operating on autopilot. Influenced by our past and the stories others have told us about who we are. It's time to rewrite that story and we want to keep what's serving you and let go of the rest. And that's exactly what we do in my new program.

Next, we look at ending people pleasing and setting boundaries for yourself. How often do you say yes to something or to someone when you really want to say no? How many times have you compromised your own needs just to avoid conflict or disappointment?

This is one of the most common struggles I see, especially in women who have reached midlife. We have been socialized and conditioned to put everyone else first. our families, our careers, our communities, our friends. as a result, we tend to lose sight of our own needs and wants. But guess what? When you can prioritize yourself and set healthy boundaries, you are actually strengthening your relationships. You're showing up more authentically and honestly and fully, and people will learn to respect you more.

But more importantly, You will learn to respect yourself more. Ending people pleasing isn't selfish, it's necessary. And I will walk you through the exact steps to break this cycle in the program.

Next is self love and acceptance. This isn't about pampering yourself with spa days, but those are nice too. It's about how you treat yourself on the inside. Are you constantly judging yourself? Comparing yourself to others? Beating herself up, or do you give yourself the patience and understanding and compassion that you truly want and deserve?

True self love is the foundation of everything. It is the fuel for every other positive change you want to make. If you're constantly at war with yourself, you'll never have the energy to truly grow and What I see is most of us talk to ourselves and judge ourselves much, much harsher and in ways that we would never do to other people that we love and we care about. We break our promises to ourselves, we beat ourselves up, criticizing ourselves constantly.

That's why in the six week jumpstart, We focus on deep self acceptance practices that help you feel at peace, even as you work towards the future that you desire.

Now let's move on to resilience. It's mental and emotional strength. It's flexibility. It's understanding the power of your mindset, your thoughts, and your feelings. It's knowing how to allow them, process them, and use them in a purposeful and intentional way.

Life will always throw challenges your way, that's a given, but how are you handling them? That's within your control. You can be calmer, you can be clearer, you can have more certainty, but it all starts with understanding your mindset and what you're thinking and how you are responding to your emotions.

Resilience isn't about avoiding difficulty, but it's about facing it and coming out stronger on the other side. Building this strength and developing these skills and tools doesn't just help you in tough times, but it makes you feel more empowered in your daily life. when you know you can handle anything that comes your way and you're living more intentionally, you have more certainty and more clarity.

You live with greater freedom and confidence. in this program, I teach you the tools and the skills that you need step by step so that you can think and feel intentionally to create the results that you want.

You are not at the mercy of the circumstances, the external circumstances in your life, the changes and your power are internal. I want to teach you how to tap into that.

Next is self confidence and self trust. Many of us struggle with trusting ourselves. And I don't even think we really realize that. We second guess, we overthink, We rely on others for validation.

We break our word to ourselves, but when you trust yourself and when you really believe in your own abilities, you show up completely differently in the world, you stop asking for permission and start giving yourself the green light, you are ready to face any emotion and know that it won't harm you and you take action because you know you can handle whatever happens on the other side and you show up for yourself.

When you say you're going to do something, you do it and you might not have all of the answers and a step by step plan getting to where you want to go, but you trust that you will figure it out. You start with the next right step and you keep going and you trust that you have the skills, the capacity, the capabilities to figure it out and to keep going.

Confidence isn't something that you're born with. It's a mindset, and trust me, it's one of the most liberating things you can develop. Imagine walking into every situation with the belief that you have what it takes. In the six week jumpstart, we'll build that trust by helping you to take small, powerful actions that reinforce your confidence daily.

And finally, we talk about becoming your future self. And this is the woman you know you're meant to be. The life you truly want isn't out of reach, but to get there you have to know what it is you want and then you have to start making decisions today that align with that vision. This is probably my favorite part of the work. It's so much fun.

You get to step into the version of yourself that has already achieved everything you want. You start acting as if you were already there and what happens, you begin to shift and doing this work and experiencing those shifts is one of the most rewarding processes that I've ever experienced and that I've witnessed with my clients.

You start to make decisions from a place of confidence, clarity, and purpose. You get to know yourself on a deeper level than you've ever known yourself before.

You're trusting yourself and you're creating a vision for yourself of what you truly want and who you truly want to become. In this six week jump start, we'll work together to craft that vision and to help you start living it now, not someday in the future. This work starts today.

So why is building a better relationship with yourself the best investment you can make? Because it touches everything.

Every relationship you have, whether it's with your parents, your partner, your kids, your co workers, reflects the relationship you have with yourself. Your life reflects the relationship you have with yourself.

You reflect the relationship you have with yourself. And your future will reflect that the relationship you have with yourself. If you're coming from a place of strength, confidence, clarity, and love, those relationships thrive. If you're struggling internally, those same struggles will show up in your interactions with others, and with yourself, and with your life. But the good news is that you can change that. And I've got the tools and skills to teach you how you have the power to rewrite your story. And it starts by investing in yourself.

If you're ready to take that leap, If you know that this is your time and you know that you're meant for more, and you are, by the way, believe me, you are, get on my calendar and let's talk.

I'll be opening up a lot more spots in October, so if you don't see something now that fits your schedule, don't hesitate to email me and we can set something up.

This program is designed to help you grow in all the areas we've talked about today. Self concept, ending people pleasing, self love, resilience, confidence, and becoming your future self. I believe that this is the best work we can do, and it's the key to living the life you truly want.

So if this resonates with you, head to the link in the show notes and sign up for a consultation. I cannot wait to help you step into the best version of yourself. Thanks for listening, and I'll see you next time. Bye bye.

Thank you for listening to This Daring Adventure podcast with your host Trista Guertin. We hope you enjoyed the tips and conversations on how to get excited about life again. As always, you can head to for additional resources and to book a one on one coaching session.

You can also follow Trista on Instagram at tristavguertin.

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review us on Apple Podcasts.

Thanks again for tuning in and we'll see you next time.