Oct. 20, 2022

Why Coaching is a Great Investment in Yourself

Why Coaching is a Great Investment in Yourself

Many women believe that it’s too late for them to pursue their dreams or that they just

aren’t good enough or smart enough to go after something bigger and bolder for their


At the same time, most of us are not taught the importance of investing in ourselves in

adulthood in order to continue our growth and expansion and to see what’s possible for

us and our lives. Mostly we stop pursuing learning and growth after high school or

college. And we are rarely told how to take care of our emotional well-being and why it’s

important – the phenomenal impact it can have on us.

What I’ve learned over the past few years since I hired my first coach and then became

a coach myself, is that everyone needs a coach. It's a non-negotiable for my mental

health & emotional well-being. It is what is helping me up-level every area of my life and

to become the best version of myself I can possibly be. I plan on getting coached on a

weekly basis for the rest of my life.

In today’s episode, I share powerful insights on why coaching is a great investment for

yourself and I tell you about my top ten reasons for investing in coaching. From how

coaching helped me process my emotions, actively think about the future rather than

past experiences, expand the possibilities of my life achievements, to healthy

relationships with people.

In addition, I expound on why coaching is an investment in your brain, developing

greater emotional awareness, becoming the best version of yourself, & key to achieving

your dreams.

Tune into this episode for more insights on giving yourself some self-care!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[01:19] How coaching has helped me

[01:28] #1 Processing my emotions & eliminating emotional charge

[02:49] #2 Thinking more actively about the future rather than the past

[05:49] #3 Expanding the possibilities of what is possible in my life

[08:05] #4 Easy & comfortable relationships with people at all levels

[11:37] Top ten reasons why coaching is a great investment

[11:45] #1 It’s an investment in your brain & opportunity to learn

[13:56] #2 Regaining emotional awareness

[16:27] #3 Overall investment in your mental health & emotional well-being

[18:16] #4 You matter & your dreams matter

[19:16] #5 Opportunity to upgrade your life & become your best self

[21:31] #6 It’s an investment in your future

[23:46] #7 Boosts clarity of your life

[26:39] #8 Helps you follow through on your goals & dream

[29:14] #9 Elimination of buffering & numbing

[31:40] #10 Improves relationship with yourself

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Follow Trista Guertin on her;

● Website: https://tristaguertin.com/

● Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/tristavguertin/?_rdc=1&_rdr

● Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tristavguertin/?hl=en

● LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trista-guertin-97249b4a/

● Linkt.ree: https://bit.ly/37ZV23x

To book a free one-hour coaching session with Trista Guertin: https://bit.ly/3GpO7NK