In this week's episode, I do a deep dive into my journaling practice. Journaling is one of the most important tools I use for managing my mind and propelling my growth. Join me as I share the different components of …
In this episode, I talk a little about how challenging 2023 was and how I am now getting myself back on track for 2024. While reflecting on the upcoming 12 months, I've been thinking a lot about how I want …
Discover the untold power of your thoughts and beliefs in shaping your life. Join me as we challenge common beliefs and explore how to create the outcomes we desire. In this episode, you will be able to: Challenge conventiona...
Embrace your beautiful mess as I challenge the idea that something is wrong with you, urging you to let go of perfection and empower yourself to make positive changes. In this episode, you will be able to: Embrace our messine...
Feeling perpetually behind, I challenge the notion of progress by embracing emotions, questioning limiting beliefs, and encouraging personal growth in the pursuit of a bigger and bolder life. In this episode, you will be able...
Are you tired of living within the confines of societal expectations? Join me on a daring adventure as we explore the transformative power of self-awareness and reflection. But be warned, once you start questioning the norms,...
Have you heard these myths about the amazing brain and growth? Myth #1: Your intelligence is fixed and cannot be improved. Myth #2: You can't teach an old dog new tricks - growth and learning decline with age. Myth #3: …
Have you ever heard the myths that achieving your dreams is only for the lucky few, that obstacles are insurmountable roadblocks, or that motivation is simply a fleeting feeling? In this episode, we debunk these myths and pro...
In a world where drinking has become deeply ingrained in our culture, join me on a daring adventure to transform your relationship with alcohol. Discover the power of deconditioning desires, allowing urges without giving in, ...
If you're feeling stuck, avoiding the difficult challenges that could lead to personal growth and transformation, then you are not alone! Many women find themselves taking the path of least resistance, settling for mediocrity...
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the constant demands of life and struggling to find a sense of balance, then you are not alone! Despite trying to stay organized and manage your time, you may still find yourself drowning in a...
What does that voice inside your head say to you? Chances are it's not very kind or positive. Most of the time, the dialogue in our head is full of criticism, judgment and name calling. We would never speak to …
Ever found your mind spiraling into a pit of negative thoughts? You're not alone! Chances are, most people are dealing with the same thing too. It's a common thing for our brains to feed us with negativity because it's how …
Do you want to break free from the cycle of indecisiveness and uncertainty? Are you tired of constantly flip-flopping between decisions and feeling overwhelmed by fear and doubt? In this podcast episode, I will reveal the key...
Does this sound familiar? You constantly find yourself putting off important tasks, only to feel overwhelmed and stressed as deadlines approach. You've been told to just do it or just start, but despite trying to push through...
Ever had that little whisper in your ear, that gentle nudge, pushing you to step out of your comfort zone? That's how your journey towards enhancing emotional and mental well-being begins. It can be an unexpected path, full o...
Are you tired of getting triggered by conversations or messages? In this episode, I reveal ten mindful strategies to help you let go of those intense emotions and feel better. Learn how to unlock the secret to handling trigge...
Does this sound familiar? You set a goal, you start off strong, but somewhere along the way, you find yourself giving up. You've been told to just try harder or push through, but despite your efforts, you still feel stuck …
In this episode, I discuss how making intentional decisions about how we want to think and feel in certain situations ahead of time can have a profound impact on our overall experiences. What we focus on expands, so by delibe...
In this episode, I talk about the importance of understanding and processing our emotions for our emotional well-being and healthier relationships. In fact, knowing how to manage our emotions is key to pursuing our goals and ...
Every now and then, we find ourselves on a quest to unearth our purpose in life. The journey can be overwhelming, leaving us adrift in a sea of uncertainty. But here's the twist: purpose isn't something we stumble upon, it's …
In the depths of heartbreak, it's normal to want to get back to being the woman you used to be. I know I did. I wanted the 'old me' back. But the truth is, the 'old me' that I longed …
Are you tired of living a life that revolves around pleasing others and ignoring your own needs and desires? If so, I have the solution to help you achieve the fulfilling relationships you desire. By addressing the root cause...
Change is hard. But the good news is that change is also possible. The key is not to make our past failures mean anything and to keep going. Finding ourselves without the results we want doesn't mean that change is …